
雕塑文化设计制作|Design and Manufacture of Sculpture Culture2019.


校园文化雕塑设计 / Sculpture Design of Campus Culture


Sculpture is a category of art, and public art is a new art subject with comprehensive characteristics. How to coordinate sculpture with public art composed of various factors, properly


校园文化雕塑施工 / Sculpture Construction of Campus Culture

雕塑施工包括城市雕塑 , 用料考究 , 造型齐全 , 可塑性高 , 精品精钢 , 成就独特户外美景 , 打造精品 , 六合文化专业景观雕塑 , 专业厂家 , 主营不锈钢雕塑 ,配备专业的 施工团队 , 专业设计团,为各级政府、学校、企业单位设计制作文化浮雕雕塑.六合文化雕塑通过各种艺术雕塑形式,浮雕、圆雕、石雕、木雕等雕塑形式表现文化空间,为各级学校、企业、政府创造有意义、有设计、有内涵的文化艺术载体,达到知行合一的艺术育人文化雕塑。 术有专攻,六合文化雕塑部拥有艺术雕塑、工艺美术、空间装饰,雕塑专家多名能为各级政府、学校、企业事业单位设计实施文化雕塑的设计与施工。让客户的每份投入得到社会最好的回报。公司从成立至今,主创人员设计并施工完成了多个校园文化雕塑的建设实施,均获得了高度的评价与社会效应。 Sculpture construction includes urban sculpture, exquisite materials, complete shape, high plasticity, high-quality steel, unique outdoor beauty, create high-quality landscape sculpture, professional manufacturers, main stainless steel sculpture, construction team, professional design team.


校园文化雕塑制作 / Sculpture Making of Campus Culture


The foundation of sculpture production is to use clay sculpture for preliminary sample production, and clay sculpture as the basis of sculpture production can not be preserved for a long time. To preserve sculpture for a long time, it must be converted into hard materials such as wood, stone, metal and so on.

人物雕塑 |
Figure sculpture design

每平米 $329

不锈钢雕塑 |
Stainless steel sculpture

每平米 $159

主题雕塑 |
Theme sculpture design

每平米 $279

装饰雕塑 |
Decorative sculpture

每平米 $119

名人雕塑 |
Celebrity sculpture

每平米 $219

石木雕塑 |
Stone wood sculpture

每平米 $119


雕塑产品在线文化商城 / Huge Discounts now available.


Sculpture culture refers to the plastic culture based on stereo vision art. Sculpture is one of many plastic arts. Also known as sculpture, sculpture, sculpture is the general name of three creative methods. Usually people use all kinds of plastic materials to create a visible and touchable artistic image with a certain space to reflect social life, express artists’aesthetic feelings, aesthetic feelings and aesthetic ideals.


雕塑新闻 | Sculpture news

在每个城市,公园,旅游区都会有自己的特征,那就是雕塑,甚至很多人都是为了雕塑慕名而来。 今天就给大家介绍一个特别的雕塑。这座雕塑矗立在南美洲,一个名叫阿塔In every city, park, tourist area will have its own characteristics, that is, sculpture, and even many people come for sculpture. Today I’d like to introduce you to a special sculpture. The sculpture stands in South America. A name is Ata.


雕塑设计施工案例 | Sculpture design and construction case


Modern Sculpture Design, Construction and Production Planning