school & design

校园文化 整体 规划 环境 理念



国内外校园文化发展的现状和设计形式。跟随时代的变迁和教育改革,当今校园文化面临新老相接、文化与地域、教育均衡发展、名校和普通学校之间的文化差异。新学校怎么与老学校新理念新发展相结合,校园文化的发展和传承与时代气息向匹配,是当今校园文化理念设计策划所面对的文化思考。Current situation and design form of campus culture development at home and abroad. With the change of the times and the reform of education, today’s campus culture is facing the cultural differences between old and new, culture and region, balanced development of education, famous schools and ordinary schools. How to combine the new school with the new development of the old school’s new ideas and how to match the development and inheritance of campus culture with the trend of the times are the cultural considerations faced by the design and planning of campus culture concepts nowadays.

Our campus design - 我们的校园文化规划


中华传统校园文化是中华传统文化的延伸与继承。中国校园文化虽然以独特的风格和魅力存在于文化之林,但它却深深扎根在中国传统文化的土壤中,它是对传统文化的继承与创新、弘扬与光大。传统文化博大精深,是学校校园文化诞生的摇篮和发展的基石。赋予传统文化新的时代精神,使其在现今校园文化建设中发挥其应有的作用,对于把大学生培养成合格的社会主义事业建设者和接班人具有重要的现实意义和历史意义。Chinese traditional campus culture is the extension and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture. Although Chinese campus culture exists in the forest of culture with its unique style and charm, it is deeply rooted in the soil of Chinese traditional culture. It is the inheritance, innovation, promotion and magnificence of traditional culture. Traditional culture is broad and profound, which is the cradle and cornerstone of the birth and development of school campus culture.


Design Concept and School-running Spirit of Traditional Campus Culture


Design Ideas and Planning Ideas of Modern Campus Culture


现代校园文化需要经历一个持续长期建设和发展的过程要从实际出发,因校制宜,系统推进,加强建设,坚持在继承基础上创新、理论和实践相结合的原则,将现代学校文化建设落实到时时处处。首先,学校需要加强隐性课程的建设,包括校风、班风、人际关系等,丰富校园的精神文化,对教师和学生产生潜移默化的熏陶和影响,育德于无形之中;其次,注重校本课程开发,也是现代学校文化建设必不可少的环节;再者,积极开设社会实践活动课程,利用丰富的社会资源,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。Modern campus culture needs to undergo a sustained and long-term process of construction and development. We should proceed from reality, adjust measures to school conditions, systematically promote and strengthen construction, adhere to the principle of innovation on the basis of inheritance, combining theory with practice, and implement the construction of modern school culture everywhere.


六合校园文化凭借高素质具有丰富经验的专业人才,不仅能将服务的范围延伸至各个领域,更能根据客户的要求和项目的特性来挑选最适合的专业队伍,提供从项目规划到详细设计以及总承包等多层次服务,以确保客户最适宜的投入获得最有成效的回报。With high-quality and experienced professionals, Liuhe Campus Culture can not only extend the scope of service to various fields, but also select the most suitable professional team according to the requirements of customers and the characteristics of the project, and provide multi-level services from project planning to detailed design and general contracting, so as to ensure that the most appropriate input of customers can get the most effective return.


Design Concept and School-running Spirit of Traditional Campus Culture


校园文化新闻的最新动态,了解国外校园文化发展的趋势和新形式,校园设计的最前沿,校园文化施工的工艺流程,国内外校园文化建设案例,办学理念分析,校园文化建设名校校长访谈,名校校园文化建设案例等内容。The latest developments of campus culture news, the trend and new forms of campus culture development in foreign countries, the cutting edge of campus design, the process of campus culture construction, domestic and foreign cases of campus culture construction, the analysis of school-running ideas, interviews with famous principals of campus culture construction, and cases of campus culture construction in famous schools, etc.




campus & design

